德國及南非藝術家於全球疫情後首次來台授課 !!
1️⃣手作「狐狸人魚」研習課程將由德國專業大師 Elena Nagel 將為您提供不藏私的指導💖
👉2024年11月4日(一)報名表單連結 : https://forms.gle/Tw3LAtBCPn9paeLh8
2️⃣手作「Billy狗狗」研習班由南非得獎大師 Lynette Kennedy 提供專業指導和特殊關節創意靈感💕
👉2024年11月5日(二)報名表單連結 : https://forms.gle/skL7hCRmq3udpkDb8
◆手作工坊Master Class活動,若發生問題或不可抗力之因素導致活動無法進行,主辦單位有權保留本手作工坊活動之權利,無須作事前通知,亦有權對本活動之所有事宜作出保留最終解釋權或裁決。
◆主辦單位保留變更活動內容之權,得隨時修正之,且有調整手作工坊Master Class活動日期及地點之權。
New Asian Artist Platform
The International Teddy & Friends Show has become the Worlds largest international exhibition of professional Teddy Bear and Animals artists in Chinese speaking countries. It has helped, through teddy bear workshops, lectures, to promote the awareness of the teddy bear world. Through this, today, we have many outstanding , award winning, local artists.
在未來展望上,台灣泰迪熊協會提出以聯合共想、群體共製、 綻放共好、記憶共感為未來工作核心,也做為全新策展宣言,帶動國內泰迪熊藝術家 跨文化的升級契機,進而培育手工製泰迪熊藝術家創作環境。
International Teddy & Friends Show
Taiwan Teddy Bear Association, will continue with its promoting and development of offering hand sewn workshops. International artists will be invited to teach and share their knowledge of bear/animal construction.