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國耀船務代理(股)公司(GSAC) 創立1988年, 公司秉持初衷致力於海運及港埠發展為基礎,率領公司團隊善盡社會責任,承諾以誠信立業為原則,堅持永續經營。



國耀公司( GSAC)未來將再持續於本業上加強專業技能 ,堅持創新及在綠能發展,安全環保上努力 ,共同愛護地球,堅持永續經營。

Glory Shipping Agency Corp (GSAC) founded in 1988. We upheld the original intention to focus on the shipping and port development as the basis, and fulfilled the corporate social responsibility. We committed the principle of good faith and kept the continuous development always.

Taiwan is an island state surrounded by sea and has abundant marine resources and advantageous geographical location, which is a hotly contested spot of ocean shipping companies from all countries over the world. The basic facility construction of our local ports has been perfected day by day, which helps Taiwan to develop the international economy and trade, and also make our country more competitive to meet the expectation of people.

Due to global warming is getting worse, most energy policies from all countries over the world are also actively adopting green energy to replace old one. GSAC did always follow and support our government new energy policy to participate new energy industry, and actively invested in green talent training to assist the development of domestic industry and international shipping industry in order to take good care of the earth.

GSAC will continue to strengthen our professional skills and also dedicate the sustainable management of green energy, environmental, health, and safety concerns as a core business principle to keep the continuous development in the future.