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中國貨櫃在民國58年11月27日奉交通部貨櫃化運輸促進小組督導設立,總公司在新北市汐止區。民國65年配合台中港開港,租用台中港3號碼頭成立臨時貨櫃場。民國71年台中港3號臨時貨櫃集散站遷至9-11號貨櫃碼頭作業,本公司成立台中港貨櫃碼頭集散站。民國87年成立中友船舶裝卸承攬公司,提供給航商有效率且安全的裝卸服務。本公司基隆碼頭集散站(西19至21號貨櫃碼頭)於98年4月啟用營運。我們是船舶裝卸/貨櫃碼頭場站/倉儲服務的最佳合作夥伴,我們也是股票上市公司。民國100年4月21日順利通過英商勞氏檢驗(股)公司換版驗證審查,獲頒ISO9001:2008新版證書。民國106年3月1日順利通過英商勞氏檢驗(股)公司驗證審查,獲頒ISO-14001:2005、OHSAS 18001:2007及CNS15506:2011(TOSHMS)證書。本公司秉持著熱忱、專業、誠信及踏實的理念。

CCTC (China Container Terminal Corporation) founded in 1969 under supervision of “containerized cargo transportation efficiency task force” formed by Ministry of Transportation. Our head office is in Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City. In 1976, CCTC leased Taichung Port Container terminal berth NO.3. In 1982, CCTC expanded leasing Taichung Port container terminal berth no.9/10/11. In 1998, CCTC Friend Stevedore Co., Ltd. was established as a subsidiary company. CCTC Keelung Port Container Terminal (W19!21 Container Pier) started operation on April 21, 2009. Your best partner in ship stevedoring/container yard and warehouse services. January 20, 1995 to have stock listed in Taiwan stock market. April 21, 2011 the ISO 9001 (2008 version) was assessed and approved by Lloyd’s Register Inspection Ltd. March 1, 2017 the ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007 and CNS 15506:2011 (TOSHMS) were assessed and approved by Lloyd’s Register Inspection Ltd.