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台電公司利用台中發電廠第9、10號機南側空地設置2部高效率燃氣複循環機組,總裝置容量達 200~260 萬瓩,並於台中港外港區興建LNG接收站。新建燃氣機組廠區的整體景觀規劃將結合當地景觀及地方特色兼具「環境融合」及「景觀美質」,以海上綠洲的概念創造獨特且具多角度之景觀樣貌,電廠建築量體以水鳥各形體姿態座落其中,原高聳矗立的煙囪更以轉化過的幾何水鳥兩兩相望,成為台中沿岸的景觀焦點;天然氣接收站外觀設計採用水鳥頭部之意象之轉化,如同停駐在水域草澤內的水鳥群般生意盎然。

The New Gas Generating Unit Project of Taichung Power Plant

Electric life is the cornerstone of modern life and the driving force for economic development. Since the commercialization of the Taichung Power Plant in the 1980s, it has provided stable power for the economy and peo-ple's livelihood in the central region. As the government announced new en-ergy policies and initiated energy transformation, it expanded its use. Carbon natural gas power generation, and the establishment of low-carbon sustainable, high quality and stable energy, are its primary focus now.

Taichung Power Plant is located in the coastal area of Taichung Harbor. There are estuarine wetlands, migratory bird habitats and wildlife protec-tion areas. The overall planning of new gas-fired units focuses on harmony with the environment. After 30 years of hard work, planting greenery in Taichung Power Plant, and nurturing its growth, Taichung has successfully built a park-based power plant.

Taiwan Power Company plans to set up two highly efficient gas-fired generating units which will totally generate 2000-2600MW in the existing Taichung Power Plant. The concept of the new gas project is "Oasis of the Seas", Daduxi Wildlife Sanctuary and Gaomei Wetland are important landscape features in the vicinity of Taichung Power Plant, and the concept of land-scape planning is “In harmony with ecology”, to emphasize the environment and aesthetics. All of the buildings are designed in the image of Little Terns, and the shape of the chimneys will look like two Little Terns gazing at each other. It is believed that the two new chimneys will become the fo-cus of the local coast. The paintings of the LNG Terminal have also been designed to blend in with the local, natural environment. They will appear as Terns inhabiting the surrounding grass.